Friday, May 27, 2011

Lupica: Einhorn, ace of funds, bets on the Mets [$200 Million] - NYDaily News

Posted by The Meck

excerpt ..
"I'm very comfortable with the financial arrangements that are here," Einhorn said. "I'm not really interested in owning a TV station. My excitement has to do with the baseball team."

He sounded like what he is, exactly: A Mets fan with a ton of dough who wants to get in the game this way, doesn't come in hot, looking to sign free agents and make trades. For now, anyway. When George Steinbrenner bought the Yankees, remember, he told everybody we were barely going to notice he was in town.

For now David Einhorn - who actually does do God's work, contributing mightily to the Michael J. Fox Foundation - sees a chance to get in on a New York baseball team, that kind of chance not coming along very often, and grabs it.

Read more:
Lupica: Einhorn, ace of funds, bets on the Mets [$200Million] - NYDaily News
The Meck Report / Blog - May 27, 2011 - 11:05a
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